New Member Applicant Information Guide
Table of Contents1.0 Purpose of this Guide 2.0. Pre-Conditions for Making Application for Membership 3.0. Membership Criteria 3.1. Needs of the Co-operative 3.2. Circumstances of the Applicant 3.3. Inter Co-Op Transfer 3.4. Qualification for Housing Subsidy 3.5. Demonstrated Maintenance Responsibility 3.6. Composition of Household 3.7. GSV Membership Committee Evaluation 4.0. Membership Application & Review Process Pre-Application 4.1. GSV Pre-Application 4.2. Applicant Information Session 4.3. Application for Membership 4.4 Membership Committee Review 4.5. Membership Committee Recommendation 4.6. Membership Committee Interview 4.7. Recommendation for Membership 4.8. Issue of Member Share & Allocation of Unit 5.0 Expression of Interest Form 1.0 PurposeThe purpose of this document is to provide guidance to applicants for membership in the Grove Seniors Housing Co-operative Ltd. (GSV) Fundamental to the success of the cooperative is its ability to maintain all assets of the community through volunteer service by its members who bring their skills, experience, and contacts in support of the entire village community. In addition to the volunteer work required to perform maintenance functions, the GSV also draws upon its member community to provide social, educational and support programs to the benefit of the entire community. Member participation through committee work, mentorship and program delivery is both expected and required. All prospective members must understand and agree to these foundation requirements and must be physically and mentally able to undertake maintenance responsibilities for their own home and to provide ongoing volunteer work for the wider GSV community. 2.0 Pre-Conditions for Making Application for MembershipEvery prospective member must, as a pre-condition to making application for membership complete the Pre-Application Expression of interest and return it to our offices. When sufficient numbers of applicants warrant, you will be invited to a full orientation session held in our community centre clubhouse. Effective July 31, 2014, all applicants for membership will be required to adhere to the membership application procedure outlined in this document. 3.0 Membership CriteriaThe Grove Seniors Village Housing Co-operative Ltd. is open to membership by all persons 55 years of age or older without regard to race, religious beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, physical or mental disability, or conviction for which pardon has been granted. The GSV will accept applications for membership when, in the sole judgment of the Board of Directors, there is a reasonable expectation that one or more vacancies may become available in the near to medium term. There is no first-in, first-accepted list utilized by the Grove Seniors Village Housing Cooperative Ltd. Membership is granted where, in the opinion of the cooperative. the needs of the cooperative are best met by the accepted candidate(s). In accepting applicants for membership, which is a pre-condition to residency in the cooperative, the following criteria are applied: 3.1 Needs of the Co-operativeThe cooperative cannot provide affordable, comfortable accommodation for resident member seniors without the ability to manage and maintain the GSV through internal resources. As the resident population of the village ages, the ability of current members to physically manage GSV maintenance responsibilities declines. Accordingly, younger and more capable new members are needed. Those with specific skills and experience necessary to meet current and medium-term needs will be given preference according to the needs of the cooperative at the time that a membership vacancy occurs. 3.2 Circumstances of the ApplicantAll candidates for membership must be physically and mentally capable of maintaining their own housing unit. This includes keeping the unit in a clean and tidy condition, performing routine minor maintenance on the home and its appliances, painting and decorating, maintaining the flower beds surrounding the unit, sanding, and staining the deck and privacy walls, annually cleaning and clearing out debris in the eaves troughs, and assisting GSV volunteers in exterior painting of trim of their housing unit as necessary. Where the unique health or age circumstances make it difficult or impossible for the applicant to fulfil the above-mentioned responsibilities; it is acceptable for that applicant to satisfy the GSV that these issues will be dealt with by family or other care givers. If no such resources are available, then the applicant must hire contractors to perform these services. Should a member prove to be financially incapable of hiring out their maintenance, consideration may be granted to assist in some maintenance. If the unique circumstances of the applicant are such that the member is unable physically, emotionally, or mentally to fulfil normal volunteer responsibilities; the applicant must satisfy the GSV that their skills and experience will be of equivalent value to the community. 3.3 Inter Co-op TransferMembership in another housing co-operative entitles that member to priority consideration for membership in the Grove Seniors Housing Cooperative when all other considerations are equal between candidates for membership. 3.4 Qualification for Housing SubsidyWhere a vacancy exists within the quota of housing units allocated for subsidy housing assistance, those applicants who meet the criteria for subsidy under CMHC and Province of Alberta programs will be given priority. Where there are multiple applicants who qualify for subsidy, then the other criteria outlined in this policy will govern the selection of the successful candidate from this eligibility pool. 3.5 Demonstrated Maintenance ResponsibilityThe GSV through the interview and reference checking process will confirm that the candidate for membership has demonstrated maintenance responsibility in previous residences. 3.6 Composition of HouseholdOnly couples may occupy a two-bedroom unit in the GSV. Only singles may occupy a one-bedroom unit. In no case shall applicants be granted membership for occupancy where one person would occupy a two-bedroom unit or where two or more people would occupy a single bedroom unit. 3.7 GSV Membership Committee EvaluationAll applicants for membership satisfying these criteria will be extensively interviewed by members of the GSV MembershipCommittee. This interview process will attempt to determine the physical, emotional, and social circumstances of the applicant(s) and how these attributes will strengthen the village cooperative community. Detailed review of the skills, interests, previous volunteer involvement, education and trade or other qualifications will be conducted. 4.0 Membership Application and Review ProcessNo applications for membership will be accepted without a preapplication form being completed. When the GSV receives an expression of interest regarding membership in the cooperative and residency in the village, that person will be provided this information guide only. 4.1 GSV Pre-ApplicationClick here for the GSV pre-application form. The application will be retained on file pending the next GSV applicant information session. For a two-bedroom unit, both partners are required to attend. 4.2 GSV Applicant Information SessionWhen sufficient pre-application forms have been received and there is a possibility of housing vacancies in the GSV; an Applicant Information Session will be scheduled and all applicants on file will be invited. This session will introduce applicants to the Village and to the responsibilities and benefits enjoyed by GSV resident members. Membership Committee and GSV Board Members will outline the unique attributes and history of our community and will interact with attendees to provide both the applicants and the village members an opportunity to evaluate membership in the GSV cooperative. 4.3 Application for MembershipFollowing the GSV Applicant Information Session, attendees meeting the membership criteria will be offered full applications for membership. These may be completed immediately or taken by the applicant, fully completed, and then returned to the GSV office. Upon receipt of a completed application, the GSV will open a member application file. 4.4 Membership Committee ReviewEach completed application will be reviewed in detail by the GSV Membership Committee. References will be checked, and investigation of fact will confirm information contained within the application. Attention will be given to previous community, church, professional or trade association and volunteer group involvement. Where the applicant has noted possible eligibility for subsidy support, the GSV subsidy coordinator will arrange to gather the requisite financial information to confirm eligibility. Family or other caregiver contact information will be confirmed, and those individuals may be contacted to confirm their commitment of future support should such be required. Where health issues are evident, the Committee may require a doctor's report on the applicant's constraints regarding housing unit maintenance and volunteer responsibilities. The report will also indicate whether the physical or mental condition is chronic and what the prognosis over time would indicate regarding those cooperative responsibilities. 4.5 Membership Committee RecommendationUpon completion of its investigative work, the Membership Committee will either:
If the recommendation is to reject the application and the Board concurs, the applicant shall be advised in writing of that decision. No reason for the rejection will be given. 5.0 Pre-Application Expression of InterestIf the information in this Booklet has provided you enough information to begin the Application Process, the first step will be deciding to embark on the application journey. Please print and complete the information on the preapplication form. It will automatically be emailed to our Member Services Committee who will retain it on file until the next Applicant Information Session to which you will be invited. You may also choose to print and forward it to our office at #90, 101 Grove Drive, Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3H7 or hand deliver it to our office at that location. If the office is not staffed, please use the mailbox outside the main entrance. Who we areThe Grove Seniors Housing Co-operative Ltd. (GSV) provides comfortable, affordable housing to independent senior citizens (55+) who are fully capable of maintaining their own home and providing volunteer service to the cooperative on a regular and continuing basis.The GSV is a cooperative housing project operated as a not-for-profit society and has no paid staff. All maintenance, office and social functions of the Village are planned and delivered by resident volunteers.Contact UsWe located in the City of Spruce Grove, and while we have an office in the Grove Seniors Village Housing Cooperative Ltd. Village office, it is staffed entirely by volunteers and thus does not keep regular office hours. The best source of additional information on the Village is on our website at #90, 101 Grove Drive Phone: (780) 962-0797
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